I guess I'm just missing the point of Secret Origin. I mean, I get the intended point, but not what's actually coming out in print each month. If I were more well versed in the minutia of Superman's history, I might notice the retcons and 'secrets' that Johns must be throwing in here. But I'm not. So I don't. This just reads like the standard Superman origin story to me, the kind I remember reading every couple of years in typical ongoing titles to catch up new readers. For that matter, Secret Origin is basically just a bloated version of the few lines of character encapsulation that run at the beginning of most monthlies. Maybe I shouldn't blame Johns for this - it's not his fault I'm not picking up on the new tidbits - but unless there's a pretty dramatic payoff in the final two issues, this affair has been a waste of time.
Honestly, I wouldn't even mind if this were just another origin retelling with some added flare. I love superhero origin stories, and it's usually interesting to see how different/new/contemporary writers interpret the standard story. But there's nothing here to really enjoy. I'm not blown away by shocking retcons, and I'm not rejoicing in the well-worn yet eminently glorious birth of Superman.
To be fair, this issue does have some merit. Gary Frank, whose art I normally find static & ho-hum, draws a pretty disgusting Parasite, and Brad Anderson's coloring is awesome. The pages of putrid pink metamorphisis & ensuing fight with Superman are great, and the bit with Jimmy Olsen at the end is cute. I would totally buy a poster of the toothy sphincter-mouthed Parasite splash page.
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