Starts strong, middle plummets, end picks up. Reads like an upside down bell curve. Had to ask the girlfriend what an actual bell curve looks like just to make sure that comparison was sensical. Wouldn't want my Shazam synopsis to sound silly! I don't know much about the Black Adam / Shazam family tree of power, so I appreciate the first few pages - Wallace writes a nice concise history, and Sobek's betrayal is a shocker. The art is also particularly strong here. Kramer/Babinski/Smith do delightful eviscerations. After that, pretty much down hill.
Osiris wakes up alone, dead, in a tomb, as a Black Lantern. That must suck. He takes off through the ruins of Kahndaq, searching for sister Isis and savior Black Adam, crying out in desperate confusion. He mugs the same slack-jaw look several times. He asks a lot of Wh- questions. That pretty much covers the middle. Osiris' final showdown with Sobek is nice, gives the art crew something to work with. Last line is a tad too saccharine. More eviscerations next time!
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