So this one turned into my favorite Blackest Night issue yet. Mogo is fucking awesome. Tomasi does a nice job with the comedy when the big green badass initially hovers over Oa, then shit gets scary when Mogo turns into a life-sucking planetary vacuum. Black Lanterns are swarming the central battery, and Guy, who still thinks his buddy Kyle is dead, continues to rage as a Red Lantern & viciously tears into them. When Kyle attempts to reign in Guy, Vath points out, "With the red and green rings on, Gardner's completely destroying these Black Lanterns - his body count's triple to the amount we can put down with Munk!" None of which stops Mogo from taking over at the end ("Mogo used the term purge!"). The art is mostly strong throughout - Guy looks off in several panels - but you'll get your fill of flesh chomping, limb rending, soul sucking, and planetary purging. Until next issue.
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