I really liked this one, so much so that I wish the creative crew here ran the show over at straight Batman. I mean I like Tony Daniel, but let him do his thing in a companion book like Streets - Benson's writing is tighter than anything from Daniel's latest couple issues, and ditto for the Nguyen/Fridolfs/Kalisz art team. I mean I guess it doesn't matter, it's a great Batman story no matter what the title, but still.
Someone is brutally cutting up criminals in Gotham, and Gordon actually has to nudge Batman into caring. Nice. Batman roughs up a likely suspect before a clue leads him to an upscale den of iniquity: "There were familiar faces. Captains of industry. High powered lawyers. Mobsters. Sex offenders." Dicks rubs up against the right working girl and gets a meet and greet with a mistress who digs misery and pain. And who has baggage.
Straightforward plot, Batman doing his dark knight detective thing, nothing convoluted. Like I said, the writing is tight, tense, all business. The art is dark and angular, which I guess doesn't sound different from Tony Daniel, but the backgrounds really stand out, the layouts catch the eye, and the close-ups are subtle and revealing. Scratch what I said before, Streets of Gotham suddenly sounds like the perfect title for this crew.
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