“And this guy Daredevil, I kind of dug him, ‘cause, well, how many superheroes are known for what they can’t do? ... Daredevil, he’s blind. He can’t see. That’s his distinguishing feature."
"So I think religion and politics both have a very profound relationship to comics because cartooning is taking reality and making it more so."
"So I think religion and politics both have a very profound relationship to comics because cartooning is taking reality and making it more so."
“What I’m after when I draw my pictures is I’m after is your guts. I want you to feel something. I don’t want you to like me necessarily, the same with my characters. And what I’m after when I draw is evocation. It’s not pretty. I love beauty. I don’t care about pretty.”
“There was a lot of ruckus when I was working on Daredevil as it found its voice because the violence was so harsh, because people were getting cut up.”
“In comics, in comic books, in superhero comics, people have wasted an awful lot of creative energy and hard work looking for kids who aren’t there.”
“Matt should have been a villain. He had a horrible childhood. His romantic life is the worst! Oh sure, the girls look great, but they end up dead or killing him or something.”
“With Born Again, what I was really after, it was I think the first of a series of works that I’ve been involved with where I’ve looked at taking the machinery of the hero apart and putting it back together in leaner form, so it was more pure.”
“This lawyer vigilante thing, I mean, it’s always been shaky. It’s a fun contradiction, but it’s a contradiction, and so I thought, break it down, destroy him, and then have the real deep hero emerge.”
“I thought there was something stupid about the way superheroes always had these normal girls for girlfriends – why? I mean, why would there be a Lois Lane to Superman. Why wouldn’t he be running around with Wonder Woman? I mean, she can match him. Why wouldn’t these people be operatic in their romance the way they are in their combat? I mean, is there anything more insipid than seeing some superhero in a love scene, and all of a sudden he’s just another guy who looks like us, in a bed, naked? No, these people would bring down buildings with their passion, that’s what they do with their fights.”
“He was not known as the most brilliant achievement of the Stan Lee regime, okay.” On Kingpin
“Light him. You’re the guy who does the lighting.” Also on Kingpin
“Bullseye is the ultimate bad boy. He’s a psychopathic killer, yes, but he’s really good at it, and he’s really smart.”
“I don’t think the symbolism of that sai going through her was lost on much anybody. I mean, it was rape-murder in a superhero comic, it was pretty weird.”
“What’s done by the hand in comics is something that movies cannot approach. We’ve felt so long like we were the retarded little bastard nephew of media that we’ve forgotten that we’re better at certain things than they are. And yeah, movies are much better at a bunch of things. Movies are much more powerful. Movies control pace. A cartoonist has to be really smart to slow you down. A filmmaker just has to leave the camera where it is for a long time. And it’s a different set of virtues and weaknesses. So yeah, I came in wanting to make comics more cinematic. I stay in wanting to make them less so.”
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