I feel like the arrival of the Black Lanterns in full force really killed the momentum of this run. The last several issues of Secret Six have been fucking outstanding. I'm late to the book, just started with Ostrander's Deadshot story in issue #15 (also amazing), but Simone & Ostrander have definitely sold me on catching up with the series. Love to get some older Suicide Squad stuff, too - the Blackest Night one-issue revival was actually great.
But all of those issues were leading up to this moment, I suppose, when the Six & the Squad throw down with the dead. There's just not a whole lot to do with this shit, though - every issue, every week, every month, heroes fight zombies. Should be awesome, but it's actually getting really stale. In my mind, the plot development is staggeringly slow. Bring on Brightest Day & some good old fashioned people-killing!
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