Linsner's cover kills. The blood-red coloring & heads on a stick are pretty hallucinatory. And Conan has a way cool shield. And the book only gets better. Giorello's art with Villarrubia's colors make the cover price worth your while. Especially when you get to the nudey pages. Boobies!
Truman's script kicks off the three-part "Kozaki" arc here, and he begins to fill in some of the story gaps from "Free Companions." Conan's starved & suffering from some nasty food poisoning delirium - uncooked rats! - when he runs into the ghost of Amalric, former captain of the Companions. Being dead probably pisses him off enough as it is, but finding out that his army has disintegrated under Conan's command kind of pushes Amalric over the edge. So Conan tells him a tale.
Conan's flashback runs the bulk of the issue. It's a good one. The Companions head East, raiding Turan territory as they go, until they are spied by Sergius, "Scourge of the Vilayet and the master of the Red Brotherhood," who has of course has unfinished business with Conan. Meanwhile, further east in Akif, naughty Amurath, "favored Shah of King Yildiz," works his deviant charm on buxom Olivia, the captured daughter of Ophir's king. She's hot. Amurath notices. Bad Shah!